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Fun Facts From Our Lab
  • The left hemisphere stores our current beliefs. The right hemisphere evaluates and updates these beliefs as necessary (Christman, Henning, Geers, Propper & Niebauer, 2008).

  • Inconsistent handedness (being weakly-handed) is associated with greater increased interaction between hemispheres (Pritchard, Propper & Christman,  2013).

  • Inconsistent-handers have been found to perform better than consistent-handers on both categorical and coordinate spatial processing tasks (Propper et al., 2018).

  • Studies show that increased imbalances of hemispheric activity are associated with increased anger and hostility (Propper, Januszewski, Christman, & Brunye, 2011).

  • Consistently-handed people have the most asymmetric arcuate fasciculus, with larger left versus right arcuate (Christman, Propper & Brown, 2006).

  • Mixed-handed persons are more gullible than left- or right-handers (Christman, Henning, Geers, Propper & Niebauer, 2008). However, they have an advantage with episodic memory (Propper, Christman & Phaneuf, 2005). This is most likely due to the fact that a interhemispheric processing is associated with a superior episodic memory (Christman & Propper, 2003).

  • Mixed-handedness is associated with an earlier offset of childhood amnesia (Christman, Propper & Brown, 2006).

  • Mixed-handed people spend a greater percentage of their sleep period asleep, spending less time in REM sleep compared to dominant left- and right-handed individuals (Propper, Lawton, Przborski & Christman, 2004).


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